TESTOR Meets the Highest Standards
Our customers can rely on Testor, as trained and licensed professionals, to fulfill our duty to protect them with honesty and integrity.
Because the Environmental Services industry is regulated by a complex matrix of local, state and federal agencies, for your protection – both personal and legal – it is critical that you choose a company that has both the experience and the certifications to meet the highest standards.
Licensed, certified and fully insured
We hold current Environmental Protection Authority (EPA), New York State (NYS) licenses for lead, asbestos, and mold bulk, air and wipe sampling. The TESTOR laboratory, accredited by the NYS DOL ELAP program, handles PCM Fiber Analysis from across the nation. All inspectors/technicians are also personally licensed as required by NYC and NYS agencies.
- New York State Department of Labor Asbestos Handling License (License No. 51011)
- New York State Department of Labor Mold Assessor (License No. 00743)
- United States Environmental Protection Agency Lead Based Paint Activities Certification, New York Jurisdiction (Certificate No. NY-67559-2)
- United States Environmental Protection Agency Lead Based Paint Activities Certification, EPA Administered States, Tribes and Territories (Certificate No. NAT 667559-2)
For more in-depth information on the environmental services industry please refer to the agencies and governing bodies below.