picture of mold wall

Mold Testing vs. Mold Assessment

What is the difference between mold testing and mold assessment and which do you need? Mold testing is the process of taking samples using a swab, tape or air pump.  This offers concrete, analytical data.  Air testing provides spore counts and compares indoor and outdoor samples to look for amplification.  Direct sampling tells you if…

How do you test for VOCs?

Numerous do-it-yourself mail in VOC test kits are available that promise quick results. However, air sampling tests done by a qualified technician are the only reliable way to get proper and accurate results. Testor offers the EPA approved TO-15 method of testing for VOCs.  This method collects air samples using special stainless-steel canisters.  Our technician…

cleaning supplies

How can I reduce my exposure to VOCs?

Since VOCs are all around us, especially indoors, it can be nearly impossible to avoid them altogether.  However, you can take steps to reduce them in your environment. Many VOCs are found in building and home materials.  They can be in paint, adhesives, carpets and wood products.  There are low- VOC products available today for…

VOC air quality

What are VOCs?

VOC stands for Volatile Organic Compound which are compounds that are gases at room temperature.  They have a low boiling point – which is why they are called volatile.  There are more than 1700 VOCs but some of the most common ones are acetone, benzene, butanal, formaldehyde and xylene.  While they can be found indoors…

What is Asbestos?

Asbestos is a group of 6 naturally occurring mineral types that are made up of microscopic fibers.  Asbestos is heat resistant and has therefore been used in insulation and as a fire retardant.  Many homes that were built or renovated between 1930 and 1970 have some type of asbestos containing materials.  Shingles and roofing, siding,…

Is Your Indoor Air Safe?

Home is where the heart is…and where we want to relax and feel at ease.  You may think that the outside air is full of pollution and contaminants from traffic, construction and industry but close the windows and you are safe in your home.  If that is the case, you might be surprised to learn…