interior empty room

Help! Do I need an ACP-5 or an ACP-7?

While renovations are exciting, they are also full of endless government forms and so many acronyms.  When getting a permint in NYC, you may need to determine if you have asbestos or ACM (asbestos-containing materials).  Testor can help you navigate this process. Testor’s accredited investigators can provide asbestos inspection.  Once tested, we can provide you…

What is Asbestos?

Asbestos is a group of 6 naturally occurring mineral types that are made up of microscopic fibers.  Asbestos is heat resistant and has therefore been used in insulation and as a fire retardant.  Many homes that were built or renovated between 1930 and 1970 have some type of asbestos containing materials.  Shingles and roofing, siding,…